Integral Mission #1: Getting started


Welcome to this series on Integral Mission

Integral mission means following Jesus with our whole lives. Proclaiming and demonstrating the love of God in the same way that Jesus did during his time on earth. 

We begin this series by looking at the history and context of the formation of Integral Mission. On each banner you can click on the image that will take you to the full document. Integral Mission is not new but neither is it extensively known and practiced yet here in Malaysia. We hope that this series can give you an idea of what and how Integral Mission can be integrated within your life and the life of your church.

The background...

Rene Padilla shares that the call for Integral Mission began from the 1966 Wheaton Congress on the World Mission of the Church which urged "all evangelicals to stand openly and firmly for racial equality, human freedom, and all forms of social justice throughout the world‟

  • This continued with The Micah Network, a coalition of evangelical churches and agencies from around the world committed to integral mission. Convened by this network, 140 leaders of Christian organisations involved with the poor from 50 countries met in Oxford in September 2001 and expressed their commitment through the Micah Network Declaration on Integral Mission.
  • And in October 2010, over 4,000 Christian leaders gathered at the third Lausanne Congress which gave birth to The Cape Town Commitment. The CTC presents a statement of shared Biblical convictions, and calls Christians all over the world to action

The work continues here in Malaysia. We as Christians are called to live out our mission in the places and seasons that God has called us to. Join us at the conference to hear more about what you can do. Click on the banner to register ->

"When the church is committed to integral mission and to communicating the gospel through everything it is, does, and says, it understands that its goal is not to become large numerically, nor to be rich materially, nor powerful politically. Its purpose is to incarnate the values of the Kingdom of God and to witness to the love and the justice revealed in Jesus Christ, by the power of the Spirit, for the transformation of human life in all its dimensions, both on the individual level and on the community level." (Rene Padilla)
